
Mythicrp darkrp gmod
Mythicrp darkrp gmod

mythicrp darkrp gmod mythicrp darkrp gmod mythicrp darkrp gmod

This isn't even all of my problems with darkRP. Is there a darkRP server that ISN'T a failure in all fronts? Sure, I have fun in darkRP occasionally, don't get me wrong, but it's so flawed at it's core, being a failed hybrid of roleplay and gameplay that fits awkwardly inbetween, having tools for some actions but requiring text RP for others.įor example, someone used /advert to say "KIDNAPPING, your hands are tied and you are gagged, resisting is failRP", and though that seemed completely logical in terms of darkRP ruleset in it's context, all I could think was. It seems like it's failRP at it's very core, having a core of a heavily-moddable game, but forcing many of it's features to resort back to basic tier textRPįrom the toxic playerbase I find, that yells at you if you question random mechanics, to the fact you have to "Advert" things like raids and mugging because they can't find a decent way to seemlessly combine gameplay and roleplay forcing you to resort to obtrusive shouting your actions that can encourage failRP (Think, cop subconsciously keeps a look out for crime because he sees an advert), and so many other weird mechanics and bad playerbase problems that makes darkRP a failRP at it's core, yet somehow remaining the top played game modes.Ĭustom DarkRP servers exist, but they all fall into the same problems but with a prettier shell. Take with grain of salt and have mercy.)įor being the most popular game mode, period, it's full of trash. (Warning: It's 3am, I'm sleep deprived, and originally posted this on steam forums.

Mythicrp darkrp gmod